Sunday, March 23, 2014

CRICUT: Gypsy Linking

PC have advised that the Gypsy Linking process in Cricut Craft Room is currently not working.

They are working on fixing the problem but have not advised how long that might take.

If/When they post that it's fixed I'll update here.


  1. I hope that is fixed! I linked two new cartridges to my Gypsy. I sync'd my Gypsy & it said that digital content was updated. However, those cartridges are still listed as "Design Space Subscription" in my linked cartridges list on my account at Do you have any news as to if it is working?

    1. I think it's fixed now. And I think until your subscription expires it will show up that way. When the subscription is expired you should be able to link your physical cart.

  2. all my favorites are on that list. will we ever be able to use them? If I had known there were so many that couldn't be used I would not have bought this machine. All the Imagine carts are listed also. Does that mean we wont get the print and cut feature they said would be ready at the end of the year.
    Please help me understand this before I blow up and call the NEW CEO, my self. I have invested a lot of into Cricut. I own every machine put out. I don't mean to vent at you, but why aren't more people talking about this. Please help.
    Thanx DawnRI


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