Thursday, June 19, 2014

CUTTLEBUG: How NOT to renew your B plate

Last week I saw a tutorial showing how to cook your Cuttlebug B plate to make it like new. (You know how after you've used it for a while it gets a bow in it???)

Well, mine was looking a little worse for wear so I thought I'd give it a try...

Big mistake!!! Looks like I'm now in the market for a new B plate. :)

I didn't get a photo of how it looked before (go look at yours and mine probably looked similar...) but here's the after... it's now a bubbly cracked mess! And it's so rough now I could probably use it to exfoliate my elbows!!

So... what went wrong???

Well...... I may have forgotten to take it out of the oven after 30 minutes... and only remembered an hour and a half later....

(My cooking skills are fairly similar! Just ask the family....)

In case you want to see how it's done properly, here's the link to the blog post:  (I recommend using the timer on the oven... just sayin')

Have you ever had a crafting disaster after following a tutorial?? I'd love to hear about it. (That way I won't feel so bad...)

Happy crafting!  ♥



  1. So, would this be considered a crafting or cooking disaster? :) I have always thought it best just to replace the used mats for any of my tools rather than try some of these remedies... especially if it involves the oven! Thanks for sharing, made me laugh first thing this morning!

  2. I have to go with a crafting disaster on this one! And I'm off to buy a new mat tomorrow. :)

    Glad I could give you a laugh. :)

  3. I am laughing and laughing at this. Cracks me up (pun intended!). My disaster right now is that I was using my cuttlebug, in a hurry naturally and grabbed the C plate instead of the B plate. Cranked it through-forcing it and the side with the handle popped off. Now what do I do? Looks like I'll be saving up for a new Cuttlebug Sigh....


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