This week Melissa is releasing a new line of layered images that she has created to work with Cricut Design Space. They're called Print then Cut Cuties and are so much fun to use!
Melissa has found a way around the problem of the layers not coming into Design Space at their native size. I've put together the following tutorial to show you how to use these gorgeous designs.
The image I'm using is called Pumpkin Moose Peeker.
When you purchase the files they will come zipped. Make sure you unzip the files before trying to use them in Design Space. Make a note of where you saved the unzipped files.
1. Open Design Space and log in, the click the Create New Project button
2. Click the Upload Image button
3. Click the Basic Upload button
4. Click the Continue to Step 1 button
5. Click the Browse button and locate the Kadoodle png files that you saved earlier
6. Click on the first of the png files and if necessary click Open
7. Select one of the 3 Image options. These files work great with all three options. From habit I used the Complex Images option.
8. If you see a blank screen it probably means you need to zoom out. Keep clicking the zoom out button until you see the image.
9. You should be able to see a white bar at the top and bottom of the image. That bar is there to keep the proportions of the images intact when importing into DS. Don't click anywhere on this screen. As it's a png file it already has a transparent background.
Just click the Continue to Step 2 button.
10. Make sure the 'Preserve original image within shape' option is checked.
11. Change the name in the Image name box if you wish and you can also create a Tag. Creating tags allows you to do a search using that word at the Insert Image screen later.
12. Click the Save Image button
14. When you have done that you'll see all the layers ready to be inserted. Click on each of the images to select them then click the Insert Images button.
15. All the layers will be placed on top of each other on the mat. And because of the white bar at the top and bottom of the images they are all sized in correctly. (Because the bar is white it doesn't print, but it does cut.)
Next you need to resize all the images to suit your project. Keep in mind the maximum image size for Print then Cut. Currently that is:
Chrome: Height 8" x Width 5.5"
Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer: Height 8.5" x Width 6"
The white bar in the image below is slightly wider than the image itself, so when setting the size the width will be sized to that measurement. Which means that if I set the width at 5.5" (the maximum that Chrome can Print then Cut) the image itself will only be approx 3.75" wide.
Michelle is looking at that and by the time you are using these files it will most likely be sized to the same width as the image. Michelle is also looking at whether the 'Size circle' needs to be there. That's there from an earlier version of the Print Then Cut testing.
16. Click the Select All button, then from the Edit panel type in the width you want your images to be (keeping in mind the above.)
Make sure you don't click the Lock proportions button or the height won't be sized correctly.
The Mat Preview button will appear (it may take a while as there are multiple layers)
17. Click the Print and Continue button
18. Click the Properties button on the Print dialog box
19. Select your Paper source, Paper type and Quality then press OK
20. Press OK at the Print box
21. When your printing is completed you're ready to load each printout onto the mat. Make sure you take note of which layer is ready to be cut. The order they came out of the printer should be the order that they are cut.
When you have finished cutting, remove the layers from the mat and discard the sizing circles and the top and bottom bars.
Use pop dots between the layers and you'll end up with something like this:
And here's all his layers!
Happy crafting! ♥

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1 comment:
Thanks so much Narelle!. This is so helpful. Your a peach!
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