Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pinterest party!

A couple of nights ago I joined in with some friends who were having a Pinterest party. I had so much fun I thought I'd do one on my blog.

Here's what you have to do.

Click the blue "Join this Site" button to become a follower of my blog.

Go to Pinterest and pick any craft project and make it. It doesn't have to be exactly the same. Just use it as a guide. Don't spend too long on your project. Pick an easy one if it helps. Hopefully you'll learn a new technique like I did!

When you've finished take a photo, post it to your blog and add a link to it using the InLinkz button at the bottom of this post. Don't forget to invite your blog readers to join in the fun!

If you don't have a blog to link to you can upload your photo to Photobucket (or any photo sharing site) and link to that.

Here's the card I made. It's an ink emboss resist card. It's hard to see but it's nice and sparkly in real life!

And this was my Pinterest inspiration:

Here's the link to Britta's blog post where she shows how to make the card:

Be sure to pin the card from her blog... not from here!  That's good Pinterest etiquette.  

So, how about it? Want to join in? I've set the finish date for a weeks time, but I'm happy to extend the date if necessary. 

I have extended the closing date to the end of May for those needing more time! 

Have fun and I can't wait to see what you come up with!


Janis said...

When do the projects need to be in?

Thx Janis

Narelle said...

I currently have it closing in 6 days time Janis, but I'm happy to extend it if people want to play longer! :)

cdm317 said...

I will definitely play along! I love your take on the pinterest card. It is beautiful and the Spring touch to a winter card is awesome.

Diane said...

I was sure I was already a follower! Ah well, I am now! Maybe your computer and Cricut brains will rub off on me! I think I've lost a few molecules along the way..... :-P

Janis said...

Narelle I added my project that I made recently. I did get the idea of putting it on my hat from pinterest, so I hope it counts. Thx Janis

Narelle said...

Thanks for being the first to post your project Janis! It definitely counts! :)

Stacy said...

Hi Narelle,
This was fun! I stayed in my jammies for the party, but I did bring some candy to share. I love your take on the card
Hugs, Stacy

Sara Andrews said...

I have my Pinterest project picked out. Say that 3 times fast. ;)

And am underway!!!

Cocoa's Mom said...

That was fun, Narelle! Thank you! : ) Christine

Narelle said...

Thanks for joining in Christine! :)

Narelle said...

Can't wait Sara. :)

Narelle said...

I must have been asleep during the candy share! :( Thanks for joining in the party. :)

Cocoa's Mom said...

Just wanted to tell Susan that her shadow box is fabulous! : ) Christine

Narelle said...

I just extended the Pinterest party closing date to the end of May! So there's still lots of time to play!

Karan said...

Sounds like fun, and since you extended it through May, I might actually get something made!!

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