Hi everyone!
I have been working on a Design Space cut file for the very popular Box Card.
I've made it using just the score line and a box from Cricut Craft Room basics. Which means that anyone with an Explore can cut it!
I have two versions of the file available. A 4 slot version and a 3 slot version.
The insert in this box card is very different to most box cards.
Here's the link to a blog post by Deb Valder http://stampladee.com/ where you'll find her beautiful sample boxes and her video showing how to put the box together.
I contacted Deb to see if I could use her idea in my cut file and she said "Yes!"
I know you're going to love this new way of making the insert. It is so much easier to place it in the box.
Thanks so much Deb!! If you visit her blog please leave her some love and tell her I sent you!
Here's a couple of sample boxes all ready for decoration. Notice how nice and straight the inserts are sitting!
(These box cards are so hard to photograph!!)
So how do you get the files? Easy...
- Just click the blue Google Friend Connect "Join this Site" button to become a follower of this blog. (That's the first gadget at the top of the column to the right.)
- Click the orange box below to download the file
- Click on the link to open the file in Design Space. Make sure you do a Save As and give it a different name. That way you'll always have the original on hand.
- Read the assembly instructions below. You'll also find additional instructions in this post: http://thenon-craftycrafter.blogspot.com.au/2014/05/new-version-of-box-card-file.html
The file is totally free! But please do not share it!!! Share the link to this blog post instead.
I designed the box to be 2.5" square and 5.5" tall. At that size you will get two boxes from one sheet of 12" x 12" cardstock.
If you want to make the box smaller (or larger if you're using 12"x24" cardstock) make sure you select both parts of the box before you resize. Otherwise the box and the inserts won't stay in proportion. To select both parts you can drag a selection box around them, or (if it's working) hold down the Shift key and click on each part in turn.
The main part of the box is very easy to assemble. Just fold along the score lines, put adhesive on the tab and adhere inside the box.
Here it is partly decorated.
Next fold the insert. When it's folded it should look like this:
Place adhesive on each of the small panels that will attach to the inside of the box. There will be adhesive on two panels on each side of the insert.
Next fold the insert in half along the score line I have marked in white in the picture below.
Here you can see where the insert will slide into the box.
Remove the adhesive from both sides of the insert and slide it into the box.
Make sure it is flush with the bottom of the box. I designed it so that when it's flush with the bottom it is just slightly shorter than the top of the box. It should fit snugly but still give you a little wiggle room.
Once it's in fully, flatten the box against the inserts.
Then open it one turn and flatten again.
Repeat until you've flattened all four sides.
Open the box up and your inserts should be sitting nice and straight like this:
The three slot version is a little trickier to put together as the insert is slightly smaller. But it's still much easier than the individual inserts that all the other box cards use!
If you would like my scalloped edge and top not edge versions of this box card they are available in the "Design Space Projects Links" photo album of my Facebook group Cricut Explore and More
Did I mention it was free????
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 454 Newer› Newest»I'd love to have your card in a box file! Thanks for creating it and sharing!
I love the blog since i'm as well a not that cratfy crafter would love to try that box card will you send me the link
Love your box but cant find the blue join box
I am on my phone is that why I cant join? I so want the file
I would love this file! michelle.hartline81@gmail.com
Mary, your email keeps bouncing. The message I get is "Mailbox unavailable."
Sure! But I'm going to need an email address Sandy. :)
Looks like you found it as I see you are a follower! :) Email sent!
I would love to have the cut file. I have been a follower of your wonderful site for a while. My email is kfdetz@aol.com. Thank you so much.!
I love the site. I am following. Please send me the box file for the Explore. I love what you did and the instructions are great too. Please email to ddair@ aol. Com. Thank you so much.
Love the box! So cute. Thanks so much for sharing. crystalice3@hotmail.com
Great job on the boxes, they gook great. Definitely want to make some! dclwarren@yahoo.com
I too would like the file. Thanks for sharing the file and your knowledge. I will want to follow your blog for sure.
Hi Narelle, love your site and have heard good things from you through Cricut Design Space on FB....I just started following you and am new to SVG cutting but would love the cut file for the card box....piggytales101@aol.com
I am loving this new box insert. I need to make a box card for my son's birthday, which is Saturday, and can't wait to try this out. Thanks to all for the freebies.
I just became a follower, I LOVE your box and would like to have the file please, THANK YOU!!!!!
I am a follower could I please have the cut file.
I just discovered your blog. Thanks for creating the box card file for Explore. Looking forward to receiving the file and creating my first box card. Also looking forward to exploring your blog some more. :)
Oops, forgot to include my email! LOL... I also became a follower.
Hi Narelle! LOVE your Blog and your projects. I'd really love to have the Box Card File from you!
Thanks so much for putting that together!!!!
I'm following. I found you through the facebook group for cricut design space. :) I would love to have this file!
Thanks so much, would love this file
yes I am a follower, would love this file,thx so much
I would love to have your file. You are so thoughtful to do this for everyone. Thanks for all your hard work. Tdougles@aol.com
Your box cards are fabulous!!!!! I would love and appreciate the cut file for this box. I am addicted to these too! My Explore was delivered on Friday and I can't wait to try cutting one of these with it!
May I have the file please?
Thank you. Labm97@yahoo.com
I'll need an email address Karen if you want the file. :)
Sure! Could I please have your email address to send it to. :)
thanks for sharing your fabulous work. susangonzalez4@msn.com
Thank you for sharing the cut file. I love all your project, they are so unique and beautiful. I will send you an e-mail. Thanks again.
So excited to be able to finally create this in DS.
Look forward to hearing from you :)
I am a follower!! I LOVE your blog !! Could you please send me the box card file? Thank you sooo much !!
Thank you for the file. Love the card jabeauchamp@earthlink.net
I am now a follower. Would love the file. Been wanting to try this for so long.
Narelle -- Thank you for sending me the file so quickly, but I am having trouble getting it to loading. The loading circle just keeps going around and around and around. I have e-mailed you a screen shot of what I am seeing, it is coming from Corinne June at Sirensong25@gmail.com, please let me know if you know how to fix this.
Hi Narelle, Thanks for sharing this file with us; I am a new follower. I posted a comment, but it isn't showing up, so I wanted to try again. My email addy is: claudiaharvey1 [at] gmail [dot] com.
If anyone else is having this problem... the fix is to delete your browser cookies and history. :)
Can you send the card in a box file again. . I lost the email, not sure how. ..
Thanks a bunch
I posted yesterday but don't see it, so will try again. I am a follower and would love to get this box file. Thanks so much. My email is: Karen.g.varney@gmail.com
Hi Narelle! Not sure if my comment got lost or what? Lol...thanks for creating this file. I would love to have a link to it. I am a new follower of your blog. Thanks for doing the hard work for us! :) Amy abneff@hotmail.com
Love that this can be cut on the explore. Thank you for this file. Tarianderson3@gmail.com
Thanks for sharing. I just signed up to be a follower. klueless101@gmail.com
Hi I signed up to follow you I read about you on one of the crafting group pages. Thanks in advance for the file!!
Hi Narelle, Love the boxes
Thank you for sharing!! paulaemorgan9635@gmail.com :)
i am now a follower.. Please send me the file.
fkalbright at cfl dot rr dot com
I'm a new follower and I'd love to have the file! ingle3@windstream.net
May I get the file I clickef blue words but they didmt do any thing cant find your blog send to me and I will join
I am def. a follower and would love the file. craftymama64@gmail.com Thanks so much!
hi my email is patinor@yahoo.com could i please have the files, i love the cards...
So excited to try the card in the box file. Thank you!!!!
New follower here. Excited to try this out! Thanks for much for sharing!
Can I have the file I'm a follower but never got the link
I am a follower. May I have the file? Thank you. ftperry@earthlink.net
As I said in your other comment.... I need an email address to send it to.
Narelle, I'd love to try your box card. I'm following! kellygs@gmail.com
I thought I had requested the file but I can't find my comment. I would love to get it.
Thank you!
Hi, thanks for the opportunity to make this box . I have been looking all over for how to cut the box. I love my cricut explore .. can't wait to make a bunch of these for upcoming birthday's . I did sign up as a follower and look forward to future blogs. my email is craftymom28@yahoo.com
Just sent it again Liz. Looks like you were caught up in the Thundermail disaster of 20/21 April! :)
Thank you so much for sharing your file. I would love if you would send it to me please and thank you very much. I am now following your blog.
oops forgot my email pmktk@shaw.ca I am now following your blog. I would love your file please and thank you for sharing!
This is so awesome. I am a follower with an Explore. I would really like the design space cut file. Thanks for sharing this!
Adorable and it looks so easy. DanYell81 at gmail dot com
Thank you.
Thanks in advance for the file. mak44070 at gmail dot com
wow just stumbled on to your site. what great cards. I would love the file to this card and thanks for sharing.
terryim4841@yahoo.com and my blog is tmorrowstreasures.blogspot.com
Please send me the cut file - I think I've signed up properly as a follower - tarasmith@consolidated.net
Thanks for creating this file and for sharing it. Just follow your blog, can't wait to see more stuff. My email address is disprincess02@yahoo.com
Thank you!!
I just signed up to follow your blog and would to get the free box card file.
I would love to have the file. qpaden@yahoo.com. ..
Thanks a bunch
I've already sent the file to you twice. Are you not receiving the email?
I would love to have the file Please and Thank you! joanmorgan1947@yahoo.com
Love your site would love to have the cut file for card in a box.Thank You
No I haven't received them. I checked my spam ... Nothing
Just sent it again. :) If you don't get it could you email me at thenoncraftycrafter@hotmail.com and I'll reply to that email. :)
I still didn't get it. I sent an email to your email address. .
Thank you again
Just replied to your email. :)
Thanks Narelle! I can't wait to try this out!
ooops! Here's my email address: debramc598@yahoo.com
I tried to leave a comment earlier and I am following but have not got the cut file for box card yet.
Would still like to have the file. Thank you!
Thanks so much for the info on the card. I am anxiously awaiting the cut files as I have a Cricut Explore. Wonderful
Sending again Joan to joanmorgan1947@yahoo.com
I don't have an email address for you Marty.
I have made several card in a box, I posted one I made for my husband on Valentine's Day. I love your such great designs, I would love the Cricut Explore cut file. Thank you (sewwhat421(at)aol(dot)com
great file, I would love to have it. I want to do this for a baby card. can't wait, thanks. and I am a follower.
ann 2467 @ gmail dot com
I would love to have this file!! Thanks !! keckman77@hotmail.com
Love the box card.. Can’t wait to try it out.. rmscomp@tampabay.rr.com
I'm a follower of your blog can I get the cut file? Thanks!!
Great tutorial I would love this file. It is so nice of you to share it. Thank you, ing.debbie@me.com
Hi, I am a new follower. Please send me the link for the box design. I can't wait to try it. scout_mom@comcast.net
Ms. Narelle
would love the Box Card File..
much thanks
Thank you so much for offering this file! I would love to have it too, please?
Narelle, Love the box. I have the Explore would love to have the file.
Can i please have the file?? I would love it. Also can i share the link to your blog on my blog tomorrow? hesskr@yahoo.com
Looks great! Can't wait to try it! tracy.hannigan@gmail.com
File sent Ken. And of course you can share the link to my blog! :)
All emails up to here have been sent. If you haven't received an email, please check your comment for a reply from me. If there's no reply to your comment please email me at thenoncraftycrafter@hotmail.com
Thank you for sharing. I've been wanting to make one of these. antbee@texans.net
I just became a follower. Would love to have this file. Thank you so much for sharing this!!! jrr.0404@gmail.com
hi narelle i requested the file but i have not recieve it i would love to have this file for DS . thanks
can i get the file please i requested it previously but i have not receive it thank you for sharing. dalia1024@yahoo.com
Thank you so much! All the HARD WORK is so appreciated!
May I please have the file for the card in a box. Appreciate you sharing.
I don't think my other comment took. If you would send me the card in a box file. I appreciate you sharing. I am a follower now. jannylee59@yahoo.com
HI!! thank you so much for sharing this. So excited ... to have this. rizmerano@gmail.com
I would love a copy of the cricut design space file to create this adorable card-in-a-box
Thank you for sharing. My email is k_leffler@hotmail.com
I am following @ shon_dricka@yahoo.com
I am following @ shon_dricka@yahoo.com
I'd love to have the file too. Looks like fun! ingle3@windstream.net
Thank you for sharing the file.
Thank you for sharing the file.
Hi! Thank you for offering the file for the box card! Staciem1994@gmail.com
Thank you for the free file. All of your work is inspirational! my e-mail is scrappinsweetiectmh@gmail.com
Good Morning
May i have the file for the birthday box card designed for cricut explore design space. I really like your site and files.
Thank you
I would really like your file for this box - it's wonderful! Hopefully it will work on my Cameo with the DE? My email is dsbutts at woh dot rr dot com. Thank you so much!
I would love to have this file and try to make a box card. Thanks for making it to share. jagroom@carolina.rr.com
I would love to have this file!
I am following, can I get the file please?
Should I also leave my email or do you get it when I reply?
I'll need your email
This only works with the Cricut Explore as it's not an SVG file. If you came from Kens blog he has an SVG file there.
I would love to have this file for design space. Thanks, Dallas
I would like to have this file, please. thanks so much for sharing!!!!!! deanne@sharpstarps.com
One more request for your great card. I have been spending a bit of time in Australia lately via the TV with Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I was so enamored that I have begun ordering and reading the novels on my Kindle. Ms. Greenway is a great writer. Thank you. June ---june_hart@bellsouth.net.
Following kahombo@zoominternet.net
This will be my first attempt at a box card. Wish me luck :) Thanks so much for sharing! I am using the Explore, so could you please send that file? juliemoore29@gmail.com Thanks!
Wow!!! Just going though all these messages keeps you busy. Just found you blog. Love it!!! Love the box cards. My email address is dstny2001@gmail.com. Thanks again
May I please have the file for this. My email is johnlauren11@yahoo.com.. Thank you -Lauren
thanks for the share cathysteve98@gmail.com
Hello...Would appreciate the file. I have an Explore. Thanks... sewfor54@gmail.com
Thank you for offering the file for free!!! am a follower
my email is ilvnyynks77@gmail.com
I am a new follower. Please send me a link to the DS box card file at: lenlopez@me.com
Thank you for all you do. Excited to try the box card
Thank you for everything. Could you please send me the file for Cricut Explore. Excited to follow all your work,
I'd like the file, please. Thank you! You are awesome for sharing <3!
I would love to have the file!! I love ur blog! alrepine@gmail.com
I would love the file. Love the new insert as well. firecow1@gmail.com
Following and this the best design and instructions for the box card that I have seen so far! Thanks for sharing, kylescraftykreations@gmail.com
Thanks for sharing. This is the best post for showing how to make these boxes I have seen so far and now I can't wait to make one! kylescraftykreations@gmail.com
I would love a copy of your file for the Card in a Box for the EXPLORE. I a following your blog, but would prefer that you email me the file to my main email address, which is: glendascreativeplace@yahoo.com, instead of the gmail associated with my Google Friends. Thanks so much.
Love these! I would love these for Cricut Design Space. thilbert@neo.rr.com Thanks!!
Yay. I am NOW following your blog.
If you can send the Design Space link to mkallsnick@gmail.com id appreciate it.
Thanks so much!!
Excited about the box file! Thanks so much for your hard work! darellebergeron@gmail.com
Am a newbee to the Cricut world... just got the Cricut Explore and love it! While searching for sgv & Cricut sites this evening, I came across your blog and have been enjoying what I've read so far. Thank you for creating this neat box card file. Haven't made one of these yet (It's on my to do list) and would love receiving your file.
Thank You! Debbie debenj@comcast.net
I love the box cards and so glad I found someone that had the file.
I love the box cards and so glad I found someone that had the file.
I am so glad I found someone with this file. My email is ScrapAnita@gmail.com
I'd love the file, too, please! CindyGlitch@gmail.com
Thank you!!!
I am thrilled that I found someone with this file for the explore! I have looked all over you tube !I would really Love for you to send it to me! Thank you so much!! Dina my email is arm1997@msn.com
So glad I saw this on the cricut explore facebook page!I would love for you to send me this file! Thank you Dina my email is arm1997@msn.com
I from Brazil... I would love the file and appreciate you sending it to me! Thanks
I joined you as a follower. I would love the file for this box card. Thanks. debbiewall@albertacom.com
Love this site !! Please send the file to sneezzzzy@aol.com. Thank you !
I am a follower. I would love the file please. Thxs.
Thank you so much! I just cut this by hand and then I found you through the cricut message boards.
Forgot to give you my email address...belindaleb@gmail.com
Thanks so much! looking forward to following you!
Hi Narelle, Thank you for sharing such an ingenious design with us. I am a follower. May I please have the file?
kreationsbykrisdietz@yahoo.com (I believe that is the email address I used to sign up for Kris Dietz). Thank you.
Your email bounced. Can you check that it's correct?
Got a message that my email bounced...it is belindaleab@gmail.com
This is great! I'd love to use this as my first project :) scrappinqueenc104@yahoo.com
Thanks for the file, Narelle! I hope your Explore has made it's way to you by now & that you have been able to make one on your very own machine! I would love the file. I am a long-time follower. Thank you.
Margo (go-go)
jacobsonbruce at sbcglobal dotnet
Can't wait to try this out! lknginger@gmail.com Thanks!
Narelle I would love to have the box card file for Explorer design space email Addy
Hi! thanks so much for the file and the step by step pic instructions for this card box! I can't wait to make one! I am a new follower and I can't wait to see more stuff from you! :-)
I have been looking in the Cricut design space and can't find a cut file for this card. I would love to make this card. I was wondering if it's to late to get this cut file? Thank you so much.
I am a follower.......would lve the file please and thank you! mrsjeanpil@bellsouth.net
I am a follower, please send me the file for Cricut Explore.Thank you so much. Mrsjeanpil@bellsouth.net
Going to need an email address Gail.
Looking forward to receiving the file..debbied2u@yahoo.com
Thank you very much. I would love to have the file.
Hi Narelle,
I would love to get the files.
Following! torrie023@yahoo.com
This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing! LAMeadows@comcast.net
I am just going thru all the tutorials about my new Explore & would love to try out this project. Thanks for designing this popular project.
I would love to make this box card! All I have to work with is the Expression machine. No DS, CCR, Expression 2, nor Explore. So I'm gonna try to download this project. Since I fell & broke my back in 2008, I have a very limited income and have to be careful when making any kind of purchase. Believe me, I'm very choosey. :) I just became a follower of your blog. You are so creative! Thank you so much for sharing with us all!
Narelle, I love your blog. Your profile description describes me as well! I try to do all the projects I'm planning on the weekends...so many projects, so little time! I would love to receive the free Box Card cut file. Please send link to: rocketjsgirl@yahoo.com
Thank you for all your creative inspiration!
You are a sanity-saver!! I've been looking for a box card template and after hours of searching I was pointed to your blog. Bless you! Please forward the file to: todayjeannie@yahoo.com Cheers!!!
Thanks for sharing this file pndbear2003@gmail.com
You are so kind to do this! I've been wanting to make one of these adorable cards. My email address is: nschriefer@gmail.com
Thank you!!!!!!
I would love to get the card in a box file. Thanks so much for sharing. dperl04@sbcglobal.net
I would appreciate the card-in-a-box file for DS. I have been seeing these all over the blogs and on facebook. They look kind of difficult, but I'm crossing my fingers I can do it.
Thanks in advance
Beth ---- bostmann@att.net
following!! what a great file and thank you so much for sharing!
I think it's awesome you're willing to share this file for free!! I am new follower and would love to have the file as well- it's birthday party season for us!! JaimeLobaugh@gmail.com
I would like the file please:
I am now a follower... I will have to wait for my Explore but would love to have this file for when it gets here!
Hi Noreen, I just got my Cricut Explore and would LOVE your file for the box card. Could you send it to me at :
Thank you. I love your site and all the beautiful projects! You are terrific!
Norelle, My 11 yr old daughter and I just starting with the Explore and we'd like to get the file for the card box if we could.
Thanks, bratelygt@gmail.com
Hi, Love these boxes. Can I please get the file? Suevande@hughes.net
Please send me this file...Thanks so much
Please send me this file...Thanks so much
I would luv this file as I have become a follower and also an avid box card fan. I really like how straight the inserts, as on some of those that I have it is very tricky to get them absolutely straight. My email address is dianablatch@gmail.com.
I am a follower and am so thankful for all the thing you do and give out so generously. I would love a copy of this file. You are very much appreciated!!!
I'd love to get the file to make this pop up card please.
Thank you so much for this awesome box - can't wait to cut it! kristie@lippert.com
Thanks for this awesome box - can't wait to cut it! kristie@lippert.com
Thanks for sharing your box card file. Love them. I am following your site, love it too. Thanks.
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