So I quickly recorded this video to show what you need to do.
(You only need to do this if your pen holder breaks. Give PC customer service a call to get your replacement pen holder.)
Hope it helps.
Happy crafting! ♥

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Thank you! I just got my replacement today and wasn't sure what to do.
Hi. I've been blog lovin' your blog over the past couple of months and I'm impressed. The vast knowledge you share with the world about Design Space and the Cricut Explore is impressive. I've used information found here on your blog countless times in my crafting. I recently started my own die-cutting blog and have found your tips useful over and over again.
On topic though, a tip that may save many a pen holder for the Explore... hold the bottom rim when inserting your pen and never force one in. I've had my Explore for some time now and haven't had problems.
I'd be so gracious and honored if you'd check out my blog from time to time and see what I've been working on.
Thank you for creating such an awesome blog!!
<3 Tai
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