The updates to the Image search functions in Design Space show that Cricut has been paying attention to our feedback. Let's go into the image search feature in more depth.
As I showed earlier, the Insert Images screen has had a major face lift.
More images can be viewed on screen and we can now zoom that screen to see the images in more detail.
Currently when you hover your mouse over an image in Design Space, after a few seconds you would see a larger preview of the image. And sometimes you would get a preview of an image that you didn't actually want.
In the image below my mouse is hovering over the top left image, but the preview is showing the Halloween Window cling image instead of the Sweetest Wishes image
Now when you hover over an image you won't see a larger preview. That's because you can use the zoom button to make all your images larger. So no need for a larger preview.
But what about the information that was contained in the preview? Previously you would see the image name, the image number, which image set (cartridge) it came from and whether it was a purchased, subscribed or free image. It also indicated whether it was a print ready image (for Print then Cut.)
The image still has a printer icon if it's a print ready image. But it also shows the price of the image if you don't own it.
In the bottom right of the image you will see an information icon (the circled i). When you click that icon you will see the other information about the image.
There you'll see the Image name, number and image set. And you can purchase that image from right there.
Just click the (i) again to change back to the image preview.
To insert an image just click on it (you'll see a green check mark).
It will be added to the image queue at the bottom of the image screen. Click Insert Images to add it to your canvas.
Searching for images is easy! And you can search by All Images, Categories or Cartridges.
All Images
Just type your keyword in the search box and press Enter.
The images will appear on screen and the search box will tell you how many results there were.
In this case there were 80 results for the keyword "cow". (As a comparison there were 1092 results for the keyword "bird"!) ☺
You can filter those results by clicking on the funnel in the top right corner of the screen. If you just want to see results for images that are part of the subscription then check the subscription box. Now you will see that there are 53 results.
If you're looking for a certain type of image just check those boxes. I've selected 3D Objects, Borders, Card & Envelopes and Phrases and now have 21 images.
Across the top of the images you will see a box for each type of image it searched for. You can click the X on any of those boxes to remove those results.
You can still search for images using the image number if you have it. Just type the image number including the #M in the search box. Don't know what the images number are all about? You can find out in this post!
Click on Categories then select one of the listed categories to search from. You can still narrow your search by typing in a keyword. And you can have DS only search by Ownership, Type or by Layers. Here I've searched for golf images in the Father's Day category.
Clicking on Cartridges will show you all the available cartridges in alphabetical order. (Yay!)
If you are not logged in be aware that some cartridges (such as Creative Memories and Close to My Heart) won't appear. If you own those cartridges you must make sure you are logged in to see them.
Click on any of the the images or on the "View all... images" box to open that cartridge.
Like the cartridge names, the images are now also in alphabetical order.
Here's some of the images from the Baby Shower cartridge.
The images in order are Airplane, Baby, Baby Shower, Baby Tree, Banner, Bird.... and so on.
To search for a particular type of image within a cartridge you can use the keyword search eg. Card.
More searching hints
Looking for cartridges with "Card" in the name? Just type "card" into the search box, and select the Cartridges option.
Looking for an envelope?
Select All Images, type envelope in the search box and... hello 818 images!
Remember, just click on the (i) on any image to see which cartridge it comes from.
Still to come: Upload Images, Add Text and setting a Canvas.
Happy crafting! ♥

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Using the link is totally optional! If you don't wish to purchase through the link, you can go directly to the website and purchase from their shop. Please note there is no price difference to you between using the affiliate link and purchasing direct from the website. ☺
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